To cancel an order, simply call our customer service at +91-9983770088 (9 AM - 8 PM) or email us at In case, the order has already been shipped, please inform customer service and do not accept the shipment. You will receive a shipment confirmation email when your order is shipped out.
We accept returns under the following provisions:
If your package appears damaged, and upon opening, if you find the apparel degraded, call us at +91-9983770088 (9 AM - 8 PM) / email us at within 48 hours of receipt of the package. Kindly follow the steps below so that we can process your returns as quickly as possible.
When you call us/to email us, we will discuss a replacement, refund, or credit. In case if you yearn for a replacement, please ship the Clothes/Dresses back in the original packing materials and container. As soon as we receive your returned apparel, a replacement will be shipped to you at no charge. The cost of returning damaged pieces will have to be borne by you initially. Upon receiving the damaged items and confirming that they have been damaged in transit, we will refund the cost of your shipping the items back to us.
Unfortunately, replacements are not available for one-of-a-kind works (customized Cloths/Dresses) immediately. In such a case we would inform you about the feasibility of making another copy of the same piece and the time that would be required.
Upon receipt of the item/s, if you find that they are not as per your order, please inform us within 48 hours of such receipt. You may call us at 91+91-9983770088 (9 AM - 8 PM) or email us at Please provide us with the following:
When you call us/to email us, we will discuss a replacement, refund, or credit. In case you desire a replacement, please ship the item/s back in the original packing pieces and package. As soon as we receive your returned item/s and confirm that they are in good condition, your originally ordered item/s will be shipped to you at no charge. The cost of returning wrongly-shipped items will have to be borne by you initially. Upon receiving the returned items in good condition, we will refund the cost of your shipping.
Unfortunately, replacements are not available for one-of-a-kind works (customized Clothes/Dresses) immediately. In such a case we would inform you about the feasibility of making another copy of the same object and the time that would be required.
Refunds are processed in a maximum of 15 days from the date on which Idalia receives returned goods. Through Net Banking, Debit Card, or Credit Card, the amount will be transferred back into the bank account from which it was paid.
We at Idalia, help you in making your daily outfits relaxed and absolute. Today, modern fashion is all about the beautiful amalgamation of diverse styles and cultures. We strive to integrate different cultures through vibrant prints & colors in our ladies' fashion wear just for you to stay in trend. We bring to you fusion fashion with women's apparel in distinct styles that adds loads of appeal to your look and also lets you stand out from the crowd